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How to speed up Scan in Widows 8.1?
I bought a new laptop especially to make QM faster but the Scan command with RECT seems to be much slower in Windows 8.1 than Windows 7.

Is there a way I can speed up screen scans to find colours of pixels in Windows 8.1 please?
Probably on Windows 7 scan was faster because Aero theme was disabled. Aero makes scan several times slower. On Windows 8 impossible to disable.

Next QM version will have an option to make scan fast even when Aero is enabled. I will upload it soon, maybe this week, and announce in subforum "QM and Forum Info".
A quick fix soon would be great as SCAN is much slower with Windows 8.1.

Thank you very much I am grateful.
QM 2.4.3 is not finished, but it is stable in its current state, and you can use it.


To make existing scan code faster, add flag 0x1000. Example: scan "image:hFD7DCAF6" w 0 1|2|16|0x1000

To make new scan code faster, in "Find Image" dialog click checkbox "The window can be in background" 2 times (make indeterminate state). Or click 1 time, if "can be in background" is more important.
This is brilliant thank you much quicker but I get an error "invalid argument" when I try and scan for the colour black using QM version but it worked okay on

r.left=1;; r.right=100; r.bottom=100
scan("color:0x000000" win r 0x1000)
Now fixed. Download/install again. Thank you.
It works - thank you genius and hero!

Hopefully the new version of QM will also have a faster PIXEL function as that is much slower on QM with Windows 8.1 than Windows 7.

Sorry to ask for so much
Yes, probably.
Thank you
2015-06-04. Fixed: often does not work with flag 1.

Function FastPixel
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function x y hwnd [flags] ;;flags: 1 client area

;Gets pixel color from window.
;Almost same as pixel(x y hwnd flags), but faster when Aero theme is enabled.
;When Aero is enabled, works in background windows.
;Does not activate the window.
;If hwnd is 0, gets from screen, slow.

__Hdc dc
if(!hwnd) dc=GetDC(0); ret GetPixel(dc x y)

if(!IsWindow(hwnd)) end ERR_WINDOW
dc=iif((flags&1) GetDC(hwnd) GetWindowDC(hwnd))
__MemBmp m.Create(1 1 dc x y) ;;GetPixel fails if not in clipping region
ret GetPixel(m.dc 0 0)
Macro Macro2545
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int w=win("Registry Editor" "RegEdit_RegEdit")
int c=id(2 w) ;;list
act w

;_i=pixel(100 100 c 1)
_i=FastPixel(100 100 c 1)
out F"0x{_i}"
Very fast and I am very grateful this is excellent you helped me a lot. Good work

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