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Different Behaviour when I'm not looking at the screen
Hello Everyone,

First of all great job on Quick Macros, wonderful tool. Something that is happening with one of my macros is that it runs ok from the executable file whenever I'm looking at the screen, in other words deskop is activated and open in front of me.

But it does not work the same way if computer is locked, for example. Same happens when I access remotely the server, it work ok if remote desktop is maximized and I'm looking at the screen, but if I just minimize RDP on the caller computer, the macro doesn't work properly.

I tried doing the same events in different ways, like using the mouse or just keyboard shortcuts, and the same behaviour happens

Has anyone seen anything similar?

Appreciate the help in advance


As an additional information:

- happens also when executing macro from QuickMacros Editor, not only when running the exe.
- I was able to track the error down and it is " cannot activate window. ", apparently when I lock computer or just by minimizing the RDP window from the caller computer, then the ACT command does not work good on the called computer (where the macro is running).

Appreciate any help.


It is how Windows works. When computer is locked or another user session is active, QM and other applications that run in the background user session cannot interact with the desktop - manipulate windows, send keys, mouse etc. Still can manipulate files etc. The same is when remote desktop window is minimized.
Gintaras Wrote:It is how Windows works. When computer is locked or another user session is active, QM and other applications that run in the background user session cannot interact with the desktop - manipulate windows, send keys, mouse etc. Still can manipulate files etc.

Anyway to workaround this? Any suggestions? Then QM can't help me, another software maybe?

Appreciate any hint really from anyone.

QM can temporarily unlock computer to run the macro. Look in macro Properties.
In some cases key() can be replaced with SendKeysToWindow, and lef() with SendClickMessage. They can send input to inactive windows, but I didn't test how they work when computer is locked.
Don't know about other software.

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