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Text on a object
Big Grin Hello guys, im new in the forum and a noob with macros so be kind with me Big Grin

Im working with a macros to fill some text from one page to a text in an object in another page.

So far i have this code: :roll:

Sub Name2()

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Index").Shapes.Range(Array("Flowchart: Alternate Process 31")).Select
Selection.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Range("I34")

End Sub

This code works when you are looking a at the sheet were is the object, if i'm in any other sheet does not work and is giving the error message 438 "object doesn't support this property or method"
The problem seems to me to be at this line Selection.ShapeRange(1).Select, because there stops and gives the error.....

I think there is something missing in the selection.shaperange(1) part....

I hope somebody can help me with this, thank you people.... :?

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