03-09-2014, 03:27 PM
Is it possible to get the full path and/or submenu menu when clicked on?
It is like the function GetLastSelectedMenuItem , but I need it to return the fullpath or at least the submenu item clicked on.
For example the below code, shows the menu "Menu 1"
it has a menu path
.root item
.root item
.root item
[dialog_clips] (submenu)
> [windows] (submenu)
> sub item
> sub item
> etc...
If I click on 'dialog_clips', the menu expands to submenu 'windows', in stead I would like to output "dialog_clips".
The same goes for the other sub menu's, for example if I would click on "windows" it would output
"dialog_clips\windows" (this is the full path).
I almost have a macro complete that creates a code snippet (in a new macro) from selected text and puts it into a menu.
The problem is that I can't "point" to the desired location within the submenu.
The menu itself already exists, and below is a part of it.
Menu code:
Menu Menu1
Maybe possible with "MenuGetString", but I do not how to produce the correct syntax
It is like the function GetLastSelectedMenuItem , but I need it to return the fullpath or at least the submenu item clicked on.
For example the below code, shows the menu "Menu 1"
it has a menu path
.root item
.root item
.root item
[dialog_clips] (submenu)
> [windows] (submenu)
> sub item
> sub item
> etc...
If I click on 'dialog_clips', the menu expands to submenu 'windows', in stead I would like to output "dialog_clips".
The same goes for the other sub menu's, for example if I would click on "windows" it would output
"dialog_clips\windows" (this is the full path).
I almost have a macro complete that creates a code snippet (in a new macro) from selected text and puts it into a menu.
The problem is that I can't "point" to the desired location within the submenu.
The menu itself already exists, and below is a part of it.
Menu code:
Menu Menu1
Var output :mac "qmpop_output_var"
Open :mac "qmpop_OpenFileFolderQMeditor"
Replace :mac "qmpop_replace_inQM_editor"
,for loop from selected var :mac "qmpop_for_loop"
,create from selected :mac "qmpop_create_array"
,,gettxt :mac "qmpop_window_gettxt"
,,hide/disable :mac "qmpop_window_hide"
,,Get :mac "qmpop_checkbox_getval"
,,Set :mac "qmpop_checkbox_setval"
,,declare :mac "qmpop_ddlb_declare"
,,get selected ID :mac "qmpop_ddlb_get_selected_id"
,,get selected string :mac "qmpop_ddlb_get_selected_string"
,,add string item :mac "qmpop_ddlb_add_string_item"
,,set selected ID :mac "qmpop_ddlb_set_selected_id"
,,set selected string :mac "set_selected_string"
Maybe possible with "MenuGetString", but I do not how to produce the correct syntax