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OpenVPN - Administrators rights
Dear Gintaras,

It seems that in on of my PCs macro :

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,run "$program files$\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe" ""  ""  ""  0x10000

which it runs my OpenVPN does fail to run with aministrators rights with subsequent negative results. Could you please advise, if possible. Anyway, I can avoid it by running it manually. Many thanks in advnace for your response.
run "$program files$\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe" "" "runas"
Dear Gintaras,

Many thanks. I tested it again with your suggestion but it failed again. As a result when I call it through QM I fail to connect to virtual ethernet adapters, with the log message :

Warning: route gateway is not reachable on any active network adapters: 147......
Mon Mar 03 03:58:29 2014 Route addition via IPAPI failed [adaptive]

I can manage it manually. Best regards. SImos.

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