03-01-2014, 07:33 AM
I'm trying to write some text to a csv file. The code works...only up to around 10 times. Once rowpos = 10 or so, I get this error on the line indicated below...
Error (RT) in write comments to csv file: 0x80070057, The parameter is incorrect. ?
Macro write comments to csv file
I'm trying to write some text to a csv file. The code works...only up to around 10 times. Once rowpos = 10 or so, I get this error on the line indicated below...
Error (RT) in write comments to csv file: 0x80070057, The parameter is incorrect. ?
Macro write comments to csv file
int i
int rowpos
str tempstr
Acc a.Find(w "PUSHBUTTON" "[]View" "class=*.Window.*[]wfName=ribbonBarWriteView" 0x1005)
for rowpos 0 50
,a.Find(w "PUSHBUTTON" "[]View" "class=*.Window.*[]wfName=ribbonBarWriteView" 0x1005)
,tempstr.findreplace("<p>" "")
,tempstr.findreplace("</p>" "[]")
,tempstr.findreplace("<br />" "")
,v.Cell(rowpos 0)= tempstr ;;<-------------- keeps breaking here after when rowpos is about 10