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Selfmoving ?
hy gintaras

im trying to make my exefile moving itself to a predefined folder on desktop if it is not already saved in that folder.

The code i made works good - when i open the exefile on my C drive it moves itself to the folder on desktop but when open it for example from my D drive or usb stick it just copies it self instead of moving maybe u can tell me what im doing wrong!?
Or is there a better way to do this?

Function Dialog4
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function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages

if(!ShowDialog("Dialog4" &Dialog4)) ret

;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 223 135 "Form"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 120 116 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 170 116 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030109 "*" "" ""

sel message
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1

Function exemove
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int hwnd = win("Form" "#32770")
int xfind
str myfolder = "$desktop$\My Files"
str currentsaved

currentsaved.getwinexe(hwnd 1)
xfind = find(currentsaved "My Files")
if(xfind = -1)
,mkdir myfolder
,ren currentsaved myfolder
,mes "File moved to folder ''My Files'' on desktop. "

best regards
If does not delete the source file, delete it explicitly.

cop currentsaved myfolder
del- currentsaved
Omg makes me look stupid ! just did not think about deleting .. thanks

One more question

if the file is already saved in that folder and i open it again from a different place - How can i keep the replace/overwrite dialog away ?

thanks alot
It doesnt delete the source file ! i think because its running ...
Yes. Cannot delete self.
Quote:if the file is already saved in that folder and i open it again from a different place - How can i keep the replace/overwrite dialog away ?

cop- currentsaved myfolder
so if i understand it right del- currentsaved does actually nothing coz the file cant delete itself while its running ...!?

why to put it in then?

Just wodering if u have got an other idea or if that is all help ill get ..

best regards
Use other exe to move your exe.
makes no sense in my eyes

That other exe could be the same exe copied to $temp$ folder...
never did something like that ,sounds not that good on working new things fast out, so i probably quit that feature.

thanks alot
Function exemove
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;note: the main function of the exe must be function, not macro.
;note: this function should be called somewhere at the beginning of the main function, not on WM_INITDIALOG.

str myExe=ExeFullPath
;out myExe
str correctFolder.expandpath("$desktop$\My Files")
str correctExe.from(correctFolder "\" _s.getfilename(myExe 1))

if myExe~correctExe ;;I am in correct folder
,;what is my command line?
,str s
,if !empty(_command) and findrx(_command "/del ''(.+?)''" 0 1 s 1)
,,;my command line tells me to delete that incorrect exe
,,1 ;;wait until that incorrect exe's process ends
,,del- s; err out "Failed to delete %s" s
,,mes "File moved to folder ''My Files'' on desktop. "
,,end ;;maybe this is not needed
else ;;I am somewhere else
,;copy me to correct folder; cannot move or delete me now, because i'm running.
,mkdir correctFolder
,cop- myExe correctFolder
,;run me from correct folder and pass command line that tells to delete me
,str cmdLine.format("/del ''%s''" myExe)
,run correctExe cmdLine

Function ExeFullPath
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;Returns full path of this exe file.
;If you need only path without filename, instead use special variable _qmdir, or str s.expandpath("$qm$\").

BSTR b.alloc(300)
GetModuleFileNameW(0 b 300)
_s.dospath(_s 1)
ret _s
thank you very much i will try it this evening. Some parts looking realy new to me but thanks for explaining it that well !!

best regards
Just want to thank you again - it works perfect

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