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User Array fill
Create new function, name it, for example, GetChessboardArray, and paste this code:

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function ARRAY(POINT)&a arrayId [recreate]

;Records chessboard square coordinates to an array. Saves the array to a file. If the array is already created previously, retrieves it from the file instead.
;Use arrayId to identify different arrays. It can be any numeric value. It is appended to the filename.
;If recreate is used and nonzero, creates the array again, instead of getting from file.

a.create(8 8)

str s filename
int al=64*sizeof(POINT)

filename.from("$my qm$\chess" arrayId ".arr")
if(!recreate) s.getfile(filename); err

,memcpy(&a[0 0] s al)
,int i j
,for i 0 8
,,for j 0 8
,,,mes- "Click %c%i" "" "OC" 'A'+i j+1 ;;message box
,,,wait 0 ML ;;wait for mouse click
,,,xm a[i j] ;;get the coordinates into the array
,s.all(al 2)
,memcpy(s &a[0 0] al)

Call the function from the main macro. Example:
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GetChessboardArray a 1

;display what is in the array
int i j
for i 0 8
,for j 0 8
,,out "%c%i: x=%i y=%i" 'A'+i j+1 a[i j].x a[i j].y


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