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Timeouts in TcpSocket.ClientConnect()
try this

Member function TcpSocket.ClientConnectT
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function $server @port [^timeoutS]

;Creates client socket and connects to server. Same as ClientConnect but with timeout.
;Error if failed.

;server - server address (eg ""), or computer name, or IP ("").
;;;To connect to a server on this computer, can be used "localhost" or "" or "".
;port - port number.
;timeoutS - if 0, just calls ClientConnect. Else calls ClientConnect in other thread and waits max timeoutS s; error on timeout.

opt noerrorshere 1
if(!timeoutS) ret ClientConnect(server port)

if(m_socket) Close

type __TCPSOCK_CLIENTCONNECT TcpSocket'sock ~server @port !freeThis !isError
x.server=server; x.port=port

wait timeoutS H mac("sub.Thread" "" x)
err ;;timeout
,end _error

if x.isError ;;x.sock.ClientConnect error
,end _s

;success. Copy from x.sock to this, and clear x.sock to disable dtor.
memcpy &this &x.sock sizeof(TcpSocket)
memset &x.sock 0 sizeof(TcpSocket)

#sub Thread

x.sock.ClientConnect(x.server x.port)
err if(!x.freeThis) x.server=_error.description; x.isError=1
if(x.freeThis) x._delete ;;timeout

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