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ifi doesnt seem to be recognising a window no longer exists is there a better function to use
Function Function
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str t
int ttt
foreach t tt
,,mac "SetToolbar" ttt
,,goto next
,tt.findreplace(t "" 8)
,tt.findreplace("[][]" "[]" 8)
out tt

outputs old window names after they are gone
Here use if, not ifi.
If win returns not 0, the window exists.

Macro Macro1551
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str tt=

str t ttNew
int ttt
foreach t tt
,if ttt
,,mac "SetToolbar" ttt
out tt
where is the problem here please i have isolated it as much as i can dialog closes very fast with no error/Error (RT) in DT_SetControls: Exception 0xC0000005. Access violation. Cannot read memory at 0x10050E. In qm.exe at 0x46BE14 (0x400000+0x6BE14).
i think it may be SetTimer with it being a memory error. first time i have ever used this function so more than likely. I am trying to attach the dialog to the owner dialog. I have done this before but lots more code than i think it can be done.

Function Dialog3
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function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages
str dd=
;0 "" 0xA40 0x190 0 0 88 10 "Dialog"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030207 "" "" ""
if(!ShowDialog(dd &Dialog3)) ret
sel message
,int t4=GetParent(hDlg)
,SetTimer hDlg 1 500 0
,case WM_TIMER
,,case 1
,,int t4=GetParent(hDlg)
,,if !t4
,,,DestroyWindow hDlg; ret
,,int x y cx cy; GetWinXY t4 x y cx cy
,,mov x y hDlg
,,,min hDlg
,,,ont hDlg
,,,ont- hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
ret 1
This code runs without errors.

Possibly dialog variables don't match dialog definition. Run dialog editor, Apply, and update dialog code.
now i get a new error Error (RT) in DT_Init: window not found. I am going to try redownloading qm.
i fixed it now this line was causing errors
,,int t4=GetParent(hDlg)
,,if !t4

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